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Showing posts from August, 2020

A Stream of Himalayan Melody

'A Stream of Himalayan Melody: Selected Songs of Narendra Singh Negi' is a book which consists 40 selected songs of highly respected bard and songster of Garhwal Himalayas Mr. Narendra Singh Negi. Translation is done by Deepak Bijalwan, a Research Scholar at Dept. Of English, Modern European and other foreign languages in HNB Garhwal Central University. Translator has put 40 songs in four categories, 'Songs of Reminiscences' , 'Songs of Eco-prescience', 'Songs of Love's , and ' Miscellaneous Songs'

Deepak Bijalwan Anpadh

जिस दिन से चला हूँ मेरी मंजिल पे नज़र है, आँखों ने कभी मील का पत्थर नही देखा। वास्तव में आपकी मंजिल बहुत दूर है, मंजिल की राह पर आप यूं कि कीर्तिमान स्थापित करते रहें। मित्रों आज मैं आपका परिचय एक ऐसी शख्सियत से करवाना चाहता हूं जो हमारे गढ़वाल के लिए एक गौरव है। इनसे मिलिए- ★नाम- दीपक बिजल्वाण जिन्हें लोग “अनपढ़” के नाम से भी जानते हैं। ★पिता का नाम- श्री(स्व0) देवी प्रसाद ★माता का नाम- श्रीमती पुष्पा देवी ★ग्राम- जखोली, तहसील- गजा, जिला- टिहरी गढ़वाल ★प्राथमिक शिक्षा- सरस्वती शिशु मंदिर और राजकीय इंटर कॉलेज चाका (टिहरी) में हुई। ★उच्च शिक्षा (बीएससी)- गुरुकुल कांगड़ी विश्वविद्यालय हरिद्वार उत्तराखंड ★एम0ए0 (अंग्रेजी साहित्य)- हेमवती नंदन गढ़वाल केंद्रीय  विश्वविद्यालय  से ★वर्तमान में पीएचडी (अंग्रेजी साहित्य) - हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा गढ़वाल केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय  रुचि-  साहित्य, दर्शन, कॉस्मोलॉजी और मनोविज्ञान के प्रति लगाव बचपन से इनके अंदर रहा, साहित्य के प्रति रुझान होने के कारण कक्षा- 8 से ही कविताएँ लिखने लगे। सबसे बड़ी खासियत यह है कि इनकी अंग्रेजी, हिंदी और गढ़वाली भाषा में

A Stream of Himalayan Melody

Music is life and life is music. Similarly, we have happiness, anger,  pains and sorrows in our life and in our music. As much I know Shri NS Negiji he is the voice of home-grown locals and his music is not for enthralling life but the music of neighborhood.  Yes, we can find the disunion and separation from our roots in his music but ultimately he gave us the true juice (रस) of unity.  Loudness and quietness are common in current music but he gave us the calmness (ठहराव) which is rare in musicians.  He is the lord of music in Uttarakhand, Maa Saraswati has always instructed him to deliver the sound of locals and he did it immaculately.  If you (my dear friend) are spreading his words to the world then my dear friend you're the chosen medium by Maa Saraswati, go ahead and do the best as you can.  My best wishes are always with you. 🤟🏼😎🤟🏼

A Stream of Himalayan Melody

A Stream of Himalayan Melody Selected Songs of Narendra Singh Negi, Translated by Deepak Bijalwan

A wonderful creative initiative; deciphering the ethos of Himalayan Culture; the translation of Shree Narendra Singh Negi's Garhwali Songs into english with the exceptional poetic quality, is about to publish at international plateform. I wish all the readers to delve into the deep  Ocean of the beautiful Garhwali Culture: it's glories, gallants, chivalry, arts, musics, rhythms, rituals, love, romance and humanity at the core, through this sublime craft "A Stream of Himalayan Melody". The book is a collection of 40 the most prophetic  and phenomenal songs of the 'Oracle' Negi  Ji, definitely would lead you to the harmonious land (land of love, care, nostalgia, philosophy and eyes tearing smiles). The book is in bilingual form (Garhwali and English)- lucid, luminous and with pure sublimity.  'It is divine inspiration in real' Article by Dr. Ashish Negi

A Stream of Himalayan Melody

Translation of Narendra Singh Negi

Narendra Singh Negi (Author) Born on 12 august 1949 in Pauri district of Himalayan state Uttarakhand; He started his music career from his home town and then performed in almost all the major countries across the globe. He composed his music in the folk genre and depicted the ethos of hill life of Uttarakahand. Mr. Negi also served as a District Information officer in information and public relation department but left his job for his music and writing career. Narendra Singh Negi is a name which shines out brightly in Garhwali folk music and now he is an institution in himself after serving for hill life through his music almost for five decades. He has been awarded in various occasions from public around the globe. His contribution in the folk music, language and literature of Uttarakhand is outstanding. Deepak Bijalwan ( Translator ) Born on 10 October 1993 in Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. He completed his schooling from his hometown and then graduated from Gaurukula Kangri Uni