Both the banks of ever-flowing river of consciousness
Are both the ends of
All this of the existence,
Not aloof they remain ever in the voyage
One end of the matter
And of consciousness another!
We not ever may touch,
The same water again in the
Ever-flowing river as of the river of Being
It keeps on changing ever and ever
To the one end is the knowerAnd the known is another end
From the surface to the
Fathomless bottom
Only pervades is the river alone
The river of the Only knowledge, Truth
Envelops the known end the knower
At the boundryless field
Of the silence of no-mind
With a constant hammering of
The I into I
And both the ends disappear
Remains is the ever flowing river
Of the One, sole river of knowledge
At the end of the journey as a flame rises above,
By the nature of its intrinsic;
Shrinks the One end of the self
And merges to remain none
To the other end of the Self
(In the ever-flowing melodious showers of joy of The Maandukya Upanishad)
Rishikesh, 26,04,24
Dr Deepak Bijalwan
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Dr. Deepak Bijalwan
Poet, Translator