Everything here is inside of anything
Every ‘in’ seems inside
of ‘out’
Out is enormous and
even then
It is inside of the universe
Beautiful is ‘out’ because
it is inside of something.
A small model am I of
all ins and outs
Built by visible and
invisible shadows
Un-imaged in which
A possibility of new
image is more beautiful.
‘Out’ is more stunning
than ‘in’
Since that is inside of
the universe
I’m inside of future which is immensely spread outside
The strong wish of my
desire to see outside is
That whatever is
outside that is inside of something
That’s why it is
sustained and beautiful
You assume yours ‘out’
as ‘in’
And come out from
Leeladhar Jaguri
Trans by Dr. Deepak
Image from- Poshampa
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Dr. Deepak Bijalwan
Poet, Translator