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How Culture Influences Creative Art

Title: How culture influences creative art?


When individuals in the journey of life express their vision of the world in their own way the output is absolutely influenced by the culture within and the culture out there. The culture out there is unavoidable and the culture within is created through the persistent and painstaking inquiry into ‘I’. Here in this article the focus would be upon how the culture around us influences creative art, the culture which is either flowing out from an individual to the society or coming from outside to individual and how the culture raises itself from the root and starts affecting the intellect in global scenario.

Keywords: - Culture, Creativity, Poetry, Philosophy, Influence


When a poem is penned down or any painting is delicately envisioned on the canvas or any mathematical derivation is expressed or a musical piece is created tenderly out of ecstasy with the strings of a lute; there are a lot of influential forces behind its creation. Undoubtly even a tiny thing around us can inspire a poetry or any work of art and we can have a glance of the complete face of a creative expression which becomes clearly visible in front of our eyes. 

(Starry Night by Van Gogh)

To take any creative work of art to its artistic and aesthetic ambition culture plays a significant role and it is for us to dive deeper into it. Here in this article I might quiet often use the term ‘poetry’ for any creative masterpiece; be it a musical note, a painting or so on for a little convenience. Of poetry Carl Sandburg’s words seem appropriate to quote here, “Poetry is a mystic, sensuous mathematics of fire, smoke-stacks, waffles, pansies, people, and purple sunsets”. Culture is defined as “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively” or “the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society”. In my opinion, only a society doesn’t hold the culture, an individual also has a culture in himself. Around an individual there are a lot of experiences which makes him confront with the culture around himself and those experiences give birth to a culture which apparently seems bright enough in the each part of a creation. Recently during a meeting with a famous contemporary Hindi poet Leeladhar Jaguri he expresses his views on a ‘fine poetry’ and says that each poetry after its creation asks a question to its own existence and when the poet endeavors to answer the question then the answer would become a ‘fine poetry’. The culture which has taken birth after the different experiences of a poet prepares poetry to be called as poetry.

(The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo)

Indian culture and philosophy always has been phenomenally impactful element influencing the global intellect. For example Tagore’s Gitanjali, a literary masterpiece has a resonance of the philosophy of Upanishads and Gita and it had a great impact on intellectuality worldwide.

Development of a culture within:-

Thousands of years have been of the evolution of human thinking and intelligence. Individuals has been recording and expressing timeless thoughts and experiences through Poetry, Philosophy, Science, Painting, and Mathematics and so on. Medium of Poetry has been an aesthetic one in this endeavor. Humanity is simply the sum total of individuals and forever it has been individuals who brought about revolution into the expansion of one’s consciousness. An individual grows up observing societal influences and so gets influenced his work of art. Mystics and seers always talk about the intimacy with cosmic consciousness and with their mystical and aesthetic expressions they have given magical outputs to the entire humanity. Glicksberg marvelously puts that “mysticism in poetry is a form of art devoted to the appreciation, expression and awareness of the cosmic consciousness in the form of love, devotion, reform, admiration of nature, friendship, and passion.”

With growing up of an individual he gathers whatever he sees around and regardless of his intellectual and creative interests the culture without starts influencing the culture within. When the inquiry of I or individuality goes deeper within after an understanding of culture without then whatever expressions come out has influences of whatever it has gone through. For a child there is lot of conditionings to influence his intellect but by the time he becomes conscious of his individuality he starts creating his own culture within and in this process of harmony or balance creativity is directly or indirectly influenced.


            It may be concluded verily that any work of creative art holds a great influence of the culture without and a greater influence of the culture within. In the process of seeking profoundly into individuality or the Self the works of creative art gets embellished and influenced in a marvelous way. 

(Individual opinion of the author)

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……Ishavasya Upanishad. Gitapress Gorakhpur. (

….…Niralamb Upanishad. Gitapress Gorakhpur.

….…Ishadi Nau Upanishad, Gitapress Gorakhpur.


(Paintings are taken from Google)


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