Thinking human has been expressing itself aesthetically and rationally from thousands of years, aesthetically it expresses itself through creative work of art. Poetry and Painting has really been quite intrinsically inspired mediums of aesthetic and artistic expression. To put it in other words would be ‘Verbal art’ and ‘Visual art’ or ‘Formless Painting’ and ‘Wordless Poem’.
Through words a poet paints on the canvas of life and through colors and painting an artist writes poetry.
The root of these very artistic expressions is our consciousness, which in the words of Vedanta philosophy is that the root of entire existence is pure consciousness which pervades in all beings, and in expression which pervades in the artistic one.
In my opinion a painting or poetry is only an authentic one if it has its narrative capability within itself.For Plato “poets and painters are both imitators and their work a third-generation removed from the truth”; he might have been talking about the truth not the Truth, the worldly or pragmatic truth not the existential one, because the existential one is inexpressible yet it gets manifested or expressed in a deeper level of consciousness from where Art gets expressed, Plato is really true that “…their work a third-generation removed from truth” I would say rather a whole- history- of-humanity removed from truth because the worldly truth doesn’t need any poetry or painting at all; it can simply be spoken through politics within.
Plato says that “all art is mimetic by nature”, verily but Art can’t be mimetic and it is beyond nature yet within and through nature according to Vedanta.
Dr. Deepak Bijalwan
Reference: Ishadi Nau Upnishad, Gitapress Gorakhpur.
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Dr. Deepak Bijalwan
Poet, Translator